“The quality of relationship you have with yourself. It is the quality of the relationship, you have with your environment”

"I am entirely satisfied with the results obtained after a series a short coaching sessions..
I had with Adriana about my anxiety. Anxiety often affected my sleep and during daily activity also prevented me to complete tasks that I had set forth to do. The conversations always included advice related to her experiences and learned knowledge and also practical techniques to cope with anxiety. Importantly she recommended, and I acquired, books to read that helped me gain confidence in the power of one's mind and will to overcome problems that the mind itself generates; in this case anxiety. Now anxiety does not participate in my daily life as it once did. "
Joel B
"The satisfaction that gives us to live with ourselves...
is difficult to find, when you do not have the necessary tools to know what you are looking for. In this Couch of life I have realized the tools that I have in my power to change what truly makes me happy, not pressuring me, not stressing me helps me live with what I have learned. "
"The motivations that our Self-esteem gives usourselves...
could not be achieved without the help of this Life Experience. Our potential is so great that we need to live it in order to teach others what they are capable of, a simple love, a simple meal, a simple you can allow us to be more human and enjoy the people around us, This experience of life teaches us this.